Tune In: Actress Ashley Tisdale's Best Beauty & Wellness Tips

Allow me to fangirl a bit, but today's Clean Beauty School guest is Ashley Tisdale.
Outside of the fact that I personally adore her, the actress knows a thing or two about health, wellness, and beauty. But for real fans that should come as no surprise given her website Frenshe is a treasure trove of refreshingly uncomplicated tips and insights into the wellness world. And as someone who is scent-obsessed, I'm particularly fond of the product offshoot, Being Frenshe, which sells a wide range of home and personal care products designed to improve your mood with fragrance.
Well, today she joins me to talk about her wellness journey, product recommendations, what motherhood has taught her, and how she's learned to be proud of her accomplishments in the moment.
"I've learned to be more confident in being enough. People always ask me, 'what's next?' which I've always found weird. What I'm doing right now is pretty important and pretty amazing. Or even being a mom, like is that not enough?" she tells me during the episode.
Here, a few of the conversation's takeaways—but tune in to hear more.
Start each day fresh
Lots of folks espouse the advice that it's important to clear the air each day—start the day unburdened by yesterday so you're better able to take on what's to come. For Tisdale, she means this literally and figuratively.
"I create rituals to ground myself and feel present," she says. "Every day is a fresh start. Don't let what happened at night get into your day. Opening a window and lighting a candle can change the energy of the day." Tisdale recommends Being Frenshe Reset Candle with Essential Oils to Awaken & Uplift.
These became much more important since becoming a mom, she notes. "If I''m not in a good place, I'm not going to be in a good place for my daughter," she says. "Or, I like to start my mornings with meditation. Even if I can't do 20 minutes, even five minutes will set up my day."
Pay attention to your body
"Until something is hurting on my body, I never really paid attention to it. If my shoulder or back hurts, then all of a sudden, I need to go see my chiropractor, but why aren't we thinking about that all of the time?" she says.
Take, for example, caring for your skin. Tisdale noted she made that a priority during pregnancy.
"I had a ritual of always putting lotion on my stomach because I wanted to avoid stretch marks. But after I had a baby, I stopped doing that. The other day, I was like, I should grab my oil and put it on my stomach. It made me feel so good because I was remembering that moment in time," she says. "But why am I not giving love to my stomach after I had a baby? Why did I just forget about it?"
Celebrate yourself
The entertainment industry, much like the beauty industry, has a long history of hegemony. It was better to fit the mold rather than break it.
But becoming a mother showed Tisdale just how important it is that we embrace uniqueness.
"The most beautiful thing my daughter has taught me is that we should celebrate all the little things. I think she's the most beautiful thing in the entire world. I look at her and I hope she never changes a thing about herself," she says. "We're all supposed to be unique and different, and that should be celebrated."
Hear the rest in today's episode: