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January 05, 2017
Get your PJs ready because mbg is teaming up with Casper to inspire your best sleep ever. Through this three-part series, we’ll be sharing tips to help you fall into a deep sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow and stay that way until your morning alarm.
Step into mindbodygreen's Brooklyn office and you'll find an accomplished group of wellness enthusiasts. From yoga teachers and military members to outdoor adventurers and former professional athletes, it's safe to say our team is an eternally active bunch.
Here's an inside look at the nighttime routines and unique sleep tips that each of us swears by for our best night of rest:
Eat an apple a day (or night)
Every night before bed, I put on a Manuka honey face mask (I swear it's revolutionized my skin), cut up an apple into really small slices, and eat it super slowly while reading a book. I've had this "apple time" routine, as my family calls it, since high school, and it's a little ritual that symbolizes the end of my day. Once the apple is done, I close my book, take off the mask, turn off the lights and sink into bed. I bought a <a href="" target="_blank" class="mbg-track-event" data-track-event-types="click" data-track-type="article-link" data-track-prop-element-id="in-body-link" data-track-prop-label="page_type | element_id" data-track-prop-category="Link" data-track-prop-link="">Casper</a> mattress last year after my previous one gave me serious back pain. Thanks to my bedtime ritual and cozy mattress, I now look forward to crawling under my sheets and going to bed, often sleeping through the night! —Rebecca, Senior Brand Experience Manager
Bring on the heat
I tuck a hot water bottle under the covers before taking my evening shower. Then when I'm toweled off, I apply my favorite lotion spiked with a few drops of eucalyptus oil. The scent inspires instant calm. By the time I'm ready to slip into bed, the sheets are warm, and I drift off to sleep in seconds. —Elizabeth I., Senior Features Editor
Love what you love
Every night I try to think about something I love. It can be as specific as eating peanut butter off the spoon or the fuzziness on the inside of a new sweatshirt, or as general as a hug. I write it down in my "I Love" journal. —Casey, Brand Partnerships Associate
Sneak in some steep time
Some nights when we are both home, my roommate and I will sit together in our kitchen and have "tea time" before bed. We make a tea from dried sage leaves she brought back from Turkey. Add a few full leaves to boiling water, steep, and drink. Combine with a cathartic chat to achieve maximum relaxation. —Jen, Senior User Experience Designer
Add a little aroma
I've started using a diffuser at night, which is great for relaxation. I've found that when it's cold out, leaving it on all night keeps my skin from getting as dry, and it helps when my nose gets stuffy. I like to use a combination of lavender and eucalyptus for relaxation or lemongrass for a sort of clean, refreshing scent. —Allison, Happiness & Relationships Editor
Start a golden ritual
My bedtime routine varies from night to night, but lately I've been making calming golden milk before bed, complete with turmeric, almond milk, and coconut oil. I also keep a "dream pillow" inside my pillowcase—a little pouch of herbs designed to attract good vibes and encourage lucid dreaming. —Elizabeth B., Social Media Manager
Stay cool & calm
I keep my bedroom really cool—around 65 degrees—even in the NY winter. My pre-bedtime ritual is to put on a moisturizing body balm, made from Patagonian algae, coconut, and babassu. I'll spray my pillows with a lavender spritz and give my husband a hug and a kiss before turning on my left side and closing my eyes. —Colleen, Founding Partner & Chief Brand Officer
Clear the way for happy dreams
If I'm having trouble falling asleep, it's usually because I'm swirling in my own head about worries, deadlines, anxieties, and other things that are out of my control. I try to write a to-do list to get it out of my head and clear the way for happy dreams! I also swear by wearing a matching pajama set every night; something about having a designated sleep outfit really commits me to my bedtime. —Kate, Senior Account Executive, Brand Partnerships
Spark a flame
I try to end every day by lighting a candle (or three) and cozying up with a good book. It slows down my mind and encourages some sweet dreamin'. I also make sure that my bed is cozy—I'm a big fan of my <a href="" target="_blank" class="mbg-track-event" data-track-event-types="click" data-track-type="article-link" data-track-prop-element-id="in-body-link" data-track-prop-label="page_type | element_id" data-track-prop-category="Link" data-track-prop-link="">Casper</a> memory foam mattress, a fluffy throw, and some silky sheets for the most comfortable sleep conditions. —Emma, Associate Green & Home Editor
Bliss out the bedroom
My wind-down routine always includes a glass of magnesium citrate powder mixed with cold water and a spritz of homemade lavender spray on my pillows and sheets, made by mixing equal parts water and witch hazel with 10 to 30 drops of lavender essential oil (depending on the size of the bottle). Lately, I've also been super into playing peaceful Hindu Bhajans on YouTube to calm my nervous system before bed. Don't knock it till you try it! —Lauren, Brand Experience Associate
Enjoy $50 off your Casper mattress with code mbg.
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