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8 Best Hip Stretches To Try, Demonstrated By Top Trainers

Kristine Thomason
September 25, 2024
Kristine Thomason
Health Writer & Editor
By Kristine Thomason
Health Writer & Editor
Kristine is a writer, editor, and editorial consultant who lives in Long Beach, CA.
worlds greatest stretch
Image by Andreas von Scheele
September 25, 2024

Calling all my desk-sitting friends: How tight are your hips right now? If you're anything like me, all those hours sitting behind my computer leave my hips begging for some solid stretches.

That said, it's important to keep in mind that hip pain might actually be a sign of hip weakness, not tightness. How can you tell the difference?

Take this tip from Pilates instructor Helen Phelan: "To test if you actually have tight hip flexors, lie down with your hips hanging off the edge of a bed and hug one knee into your chest.

If you're able to draw the top knee into your chest while the bottom leg remains flat to the bed, it's not hip tightness that is causing tension and pain but weakness."

If your hips are weak, you can learn more about what to do here. But if it is indeed tightness leaving you feeling less-than-awesome, then have I got some top-notch, hip-opening moves for you.

I've compiled some of the best hip stretches, shared and demonstrated by mbg moves trainers. These moves make for a fantastic warm up or cool down for your workouts—or, throw a few together for a juicy midday stretch.


World's Greatest Stretch

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Demonstrated by Mindy Lai

  1. From a high plank position, step your right foot to the side of your right hand.
  2. Press your left hand into the ground and bring your right hand overhead. Twist your body to the right side, and bring your gaze to the lifted fingertips.
  3. Reverse the movement and repeat on the opposite side.
  4. Continue for 30 seconds.

Standing Figure-4 Stretch

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Demonstrated by Phyllicia Bonanno.

  1. Come into a standing position on your mat.
  2. Ground down through your left leg. Lift your right knee, and plant your foot onto the thigh.
  3. Flex your foot, hinge at your hips, and lower into a chair pose.
  4. Repeat on the opposite side.

Seated Figure-4

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Demonstrated by Juanina Kocher.

  1. From a seated position, bring your right ankle up to your left thigh.
  2. I like to lift up my left toes and gently press my hand onto my right knee to enhance the hip stretch
  3. Breathe in, then slowly fold the torso forward as far as you can over the right shin as you exhale.
  4. Hold for a few breaths and repeat on the left side.

Pigeon Pose

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Demonstrated by Bonanno.

  1. From a downward dog position, reach your right foot up to the sky.
  2. Bend your knee and bring it in line with your right arm. Bring your right foot to the left side of your body, and allow your shin to rest on the ground.
  3. Bring your back leg down to the mat, and lift your chest, keeping your hips in one line.
  4. Hold for a breath, then slowly lower your torso to the ground so it folds over your right leg. Here, you have the option to bring your forehead to the mat.
  5. Hold for as many breaths as you'd like, then peel your body back up. Come back into downward dog, then repeat on the opposite side.
  6. Hold for as many breaths as you'd like, and make your way back to downward dog again, or continue on to a different pose.

Reclining Butterfly

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Demonstrated by Emily Chen.

  1. Come into a seated position on your mat, bring the soles of your feet together, and allow your knees to fall to either side.
  2. Place a yoga block under your lower back and your head, and allow your body to lower down.
  3. Let your arms relax overhead, and hold this position for as long as you need.

Child's Pose + Hip Circles

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Demonstrated by Chen.

  1. Come to all fours. Ground down through your palms.
  2. As you inhale, drop your belly and bring your gaze up to the sky.
  3. As you exhale, curl and round your spine, and bring your gaze toward your belly button.
  4. From here, move your body intuitively, stretching from side to side as you need.

Downward-Dog Hip Circles

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Demonstrated by Chen.

  1. Start in a tabletop position on your mat.
  2. Inhale as you lift your hips up high, coming into a downward-dog position.
  3. Ground down through the soles of your feet and your hands, allowing your hips to be the highest point. Pedal out your dog, lifting one heel, then the other.
  4. From here, lift your right leg into the air, bend your knee, and open up your hip. Then begin to create circles with your hips.

Low Lunge

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Demonstrated by Chen.

  1. From a downward-dog position, lift your right leg and place your foot in between your hands. Let your back knee, shin, and the top of your left foot rest on the mat.
  2. Allow your hips to sink down toward the mat, creating a nice stretch.
  3. Stretch your arms into the air, keeping your biceps by your ears. (If you'd like, cactus your arms open for an extra stretch.)

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