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7 Ways To Celebrate The Astrological New Year & Spring Equinox

Sarah Regan
March 20, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by mbg creative X Thais Varela / Stocksy
March 20, 2025

After a long, cold winter, spring is finally here! On March 20, 2025, we welcome the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as the start of Aries season and the Astrological New Year.

This time of year has long been celebrated as a time of rebirth, fertility, and starting anew, when the earth blooms, the sun returns, and life begins again.

If you want to get in on the fun, here are seven simple ways to celebrate this year's spring equinox:


Spend some time with Mother Nature

What better way to honor the beginning of spring than by getting some fresh air and communing with Mother Nature? Whether you opt to take a stroll in your neighborhood or seek out a longer, more serene hike, any time spent in nature is time well spent.

As you're outside, consciously connect to the life around you, thanking the trees for their life-giving oxygen, encouraging the buds just about to bloom, and stepping lightly on the earth beneath you.


Plant seeds

From houseplants to garden beds, now is a great time to get started on some spring planting. If you have a local garden or plant shop near you, it's also a great excuse to support a local business!

Spend time with your new plant babies, and of course, tend to the ones you already have. If any of them are getting too big for their pots, this would be a good time to upgrade them to a bigger room—before their summer growth spurt kicks in.


Refresh your home & garden

It isn't called "spring cleaning" for nothing! With warm weather finally in the air, take the opportunity to open up your windows and refresh your living space.

Wipe the windows clean, clear out old clutter, and allow your home to match the energy of the season. If you have a yard or garden, don't forget to get out there too.

If you like, you might even energetically cleanse with smoke or sound. Just remember to open the windows as you do so, to give the old mucky vibes somewhere to go.


Create an altar

An altar can be anything you want it to be, depending on your own spiritual or religious practices. It's simply a place where you keep items and offerings that reflect your own practices and beliefs, and they can also honor deities, ancestors, guides, etc.

You can have things like pictures, crystals, things to symbolize the elements (i.e., candles, a dish of water, a feather for air, etc.), and more—anything that makes sense to you!

And in the case of the spring equinox, consider adding seasonal items like seeds, eggshells, foraged flowers, plants, mushrooms, and candles in green, yellow, or pink.


Set intentions

With the spring equinox marking the Astrological New Year, it's the perfect time to connect to the feeling of rebirth and starting fresh.

You can journal about your goals and intentions, meditate on them, or even perform a manifesting ritual. If you're into crafting, making a vision board is right up your alley—and it can go on your altar.


Host an equinox gathering

Celebrations are that much more celebratory when you're with your favorite people, so why honor the equinox alone? Invite friends over for a spring potluck with local, seasonal produce. If weather permits, bust out the patio table and take it outside!

Wind down the evening with a cozy bonfire and a group intention setting where everyone goes around and shares something they're working toward.


Pull a spring tarot spread

Last but not least, if you have any questions regarding the upcoming season and what it has in store for you, it's never a bad idea to consult your tarot cards. Grab your favorite deck and try the following five-card spread:

  1. What is being born (or reborn) in my life right now?
  2. Where does my life need more balance?
  3. How can I best support more balance in my life?
  4. Where in my life could I use more of Aries' courage?
  5. What is the overall message for me this spring season?

The takeaway

There's something absolutely magical about those first few spring days, when everything seems possible once again. It's a potent time for clearing out the old and starting fresh—whatever that looks like for you. Don't miss this chance to double-down on those intentions and allow spring to work its revitalizing magic.

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