
For me it comes down to five easy ways to get more time practicing the yoga you love.
Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or new to life on the mat, it can sometimes be a real challenge showing up and practicing ALONE. For myself, becoming a wife and mother was a huge transition in life and one that was a definite competitor when it came to time I could spend practicing, never mind if I even had the energy to begin with!
When it came time to carve out part of the day to spend time not only practicing my asanas, but studying new information or working on my weak and very seldom meditation or pranayama practice, it seemed like something only fictional people could find time for.
I'll be honest, it was a very tired, scattered, few months after welcoming our daughter into our lives. However, I was determined, and I knew that once I figured out a way to get on my sticky mat, I would be a much better version of myself as a result.
Below is my "Home Practice Survival Guide" for any yogis that need a little push starting or re-establishing a home practice.
1) Set a "Yoga Date" - With yourself! Most of us have been there, working one or more busy jobs, kids, family, friends, commitments, the list goes on, and suddenly another week has gone by with little or no time to practice. You likely wouldn't blow off dinner plans with a friend, so don't blow off plans for your practice.
2) Have a Goal - Whether it’s a particular pose that has you stumped, a desire to try something new, or just a goal to increase your practice frequency, write it down and make it visible. Post it on your calendar in the kitchen or on the mirror, anywhere you look every day and can use as a physical reminder to show up for yourself.
3) Get Inspired - Maybe you've been practicing awhile and often don't feel challenged enough when you practice at home, or you are new to the mat and don't quite know where to start. Either way, you can look to outside sources for a spark to get established. Online classes and tutorials are available on sources like YogaGlo or Yogis Anonymous, to name a couple. Or, head to your local library and browse for yoga books that could send some inspiration your way.
4) Take Notes - When you do eventually practice (and you will thanks to the loads of inspiration and nifty notes you’ll leave around the house!), keep a journal or notebook handy. As you practice, keep a running inventory of poses you went through, how you feel before/during/after, how long your practice lasted... whatever you want to record! Once you’re done for the day, you'll have something to look over and review for next time.
5) Have Fun! - The best for last, and definitely the most important. Building and maintaining a home practice can be a little tough at times, but as long as you can smile or laugh while you’re working towards your goals, you’re halfway there. Many of my students know that I have had an interesting relationship with handstand in the center of the room, but somehow falling with laughter makes it a whole lot easier to try again! Don't beat yourself up if your practice isn't on fire within a week or two. Just pick up your mat, and try again!