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This Aries Season Is Jam-Packed With Astrological Happenings — Here's What To Know

Sarah Regan
March 18, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
aries season explainer
Image by death to the stock image
March 18, 2025

With Pisces season winding down, the astrological year is winding down with it. As the sun moves into the sign of the ram for the next four weeks, we also welcome the spring equinox and the Astrological New Year.

Here are the five big things to watch out for this Aries season, from astrologers:


We welcome Aries season, the spring equinox & the Astrological New Year all in one day

On March 20, we officially enter the Astrological New Year. As the AstroTwins recently wrote for mindbodygreen, "The spring equinox marks the start of Aries season each year, refreshing our cosmic calendar in Tropical (Western) astrology."

As the sun catapults into this passionate, adventurous zodiac sign, they add, it's no wonder we all feel too restless to be cooped up indoors. So, don't deny it! Soak up the sun, get some outdoor exercise, and let your spirit feel reawakened by the energy of spring.


Watch out for retrograde curveballs

With the sun in temperamental Aries, keep in mind we have a couple of retrogrades to contend with as well. Mercury (the planet of communication and information) has been retrograde since March 15 in Aries, revving up conflict and arguments and potentially making us more impatient and impulsive.

"When Mercury reverses into Pisces on March 29, you can access a deep level of creativity and divine inspiration that supports rapid growth once the retrograde ends on April 7," the twins note, adding that patience and precision are your allies now.

Along with Mercury, Venus has been retrograde since March 1—and will be until April 12. It's been in Aries so far, which, again, could be causing some hostility or impatience in your relationship life. On March 27, it will backspin into Pisces, which could amplify illusion or the "rose-colored glasses effect."


The new moon solar eclipse amplifies new beginnings

Feeling like you need a fresh start? Well, you've got one with the new moon in Aries on March 29. According to the twins, in fact, with this being a supermoon and partial solar eclipse, it's practically pouring rocket fuel into your tank and bringing unexpected momentum.

This new moon also sits at a friendly angle to expansive Jupiter and powerhouse Pluto, which the twins note can help your efforts reach an even wider audience. "Even though Mercury and Venus are retrograde, you may have to leap into a groundbreaking project with both feet—just make sure you set up a safety net," they add.


Neptune makes a power move into Aries

Neptune is the planet of spirituality, dreams, and inspiration in astrology, but it also deals with illusion and the subconscious. On March 30, the boundary-dissolving planet is taking its first baby steps into Aries in a long time.

It will go retrograde for a few months later this year, but once it stations direct again in Aries on January 26, 2026, it's going to be there all the way until 2039.

As the twins explain, this is a seriously significant occurrence. The last time Neptune was in Aries was 1862 to 1875, a time that brought a newly industrialized economy and the U.S. Civil War. "Neptune is the planet of compassion, while Aries is on a nonstop combat mission. We may all have to toughen up and develop some grit," they add.


Patch up any wounds with the full moon in Libra

If the intensity of eclipse season and two major retrogrades has you feeling out of sorts, the Libra full moon on April 12 can help you let it go. Full moons are all about release, and as the most relationship-oriented sign, Libra knows how to play diplomat, sort through everyone's side of the story, and reach a compromise.

No matter what's going on with you right now, there's always room to find more balance, and that's precisely what this Libra moon wants you to do. Whether that's a better balance between "we versus me," "us versus them," or even your home life versus your work life, assess where you could invite more balance.

The takeaway

No matter your zodiac sign, we're all going to need some of Aries' bravery and spunk to fare these next few weeks. Eclipse energy is strong and we have two planets retrograde, so don't forget to expect the unexpected—and think twice before saying something reckless, in true Aries fashion.

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