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The 5 Teas You Should Always Bring With You When You Travel

Liz Moody
Author: Expert reviewer:
October 15, 2019
Liz Moody
Author & Podcaster
By Liz Moody
Author & Podcaster
Liz Moody is the host of the top-rated The Liz Moody Podcast, author of bestselling books "100 Ways to Change Your Life," "Healthier Together: Recipes for Two—Nourish Your Body, Nourish Your Relationships," and "Glow Pops," and a popular online content creator who has helped millions of people transform their lives. A regular speaker, panelist, and podcast guest, Liz shares her own deeply personal anxiety journey that led her to where she is now as well as actionable, fun, and science-based ways for everyone to live their best lives.
Megan Fahey, M.S., R.D., CDN
Expert review by
Megan Fahey, M.S., R.D., CDN
Registered Dietitian
Megan Fahey, M.S., R.D., CDN is a Registered Dietitian, Functional Medicine Nutritionist and Registered Yoga Teacher. She holds her Masters of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from Bastyr University, where she was trained to artfully blend eastern and western healing modalities.
Image by mbg creative + custom
October 15, 2019
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I always keep a Stasher bag of tea with me when I travel, not only because it's so comforting but because it's a great way to deal with the various ailments that spring up when traveling. It's also an affordable way to make sure you always have access to high-quality, organic blends—if you bring a Stojo or another type of portable cup as well, all you need is hot water. Here are the five teas you should never travel without.  

Yogi Tea Sweet Tangerine Positive Energy

Having energy is one of the keys to thriving in and enjoying any type of travel environment. Often, on the road, you're out and about more than you would typically be, and that's where this gently energizing blend comes in. It contains black tea, green tea leaf extract, and yerba mate, all of which contribute nourishing, even-keeled caffeine. Beyond that, it has ginseng, which has been shown to boost energy while reducing stress1. With a lovely, creamy citrus-forward flavor, this is the type of tea you'll want to reach for every morning. Sweet Tangerine Positive Energy, Yogi Tea ($3.98 for 16 servings)

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Organic India Tulsi Ashwagandha

It's no secret that travel can be stressful. Tulsi, otherwise known as holy basil, is an adaptogen that's been used in ayurveda for thousands of years. "Adaptogenic herbs such as holy basil support the body's response to stress and its ability to naturally cope with occasional anxiety and fatigue—slowly and gently, without jolts or crashes," explains Thyroid Yoga® & Ajai Alchemy founder Fern Olivia. This blend combines tulsi with ashwagandha, another adaptogen, for an even more potent effect. It has a faintly grassy, herbaceous flavor that will bounce you straight back to the present after your luggage is lost, your train is missed, or any other travel disaster occurs. Tulsi Ashwagandha, Organic India ($5.99 for 18 servings)

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Traditional Medicinals Belly Comfort

Lots of eating out, air travel, unfiltered water—it's all a recipe for less-than-ideal stomach situation. Packing a digestive blend is a great way to make sure your gut stays happy and healthy, so you can better enjoy your trip. This blend, from herbal masters Traditional Medicinals, contains peppermint2, fennel3, and ginger4, all long-used digestive tract soothers and digestion boosters. The blend also contains papaya leaf, a potent digestive enzyme that helps your body break down any richer or heavier food you might be eating. With a fresh, mint-forward taste, this one can also double as a breath mint alternative after a long flight! Belly Comfort, Traditional Medicinals ($7.34 for 16 servings)

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Pukka Elderberry and Echinacea

Getting sick while traveling is definitely a bummer—and unfortunately, traveling is the time that you're often exposed to a number of new bugs (those airline tray table seats!). This blend from Pukka contains two immune-boosting superstars—elderberry and echinacea. "Echinacea has the ability to trigger a chemical response in the body that fights inflammation," explains Carlene Thomas, R.D. "The result? A potential reduction in cold and flu symptoms. Other studies suggest that echinacea stimulates the body's immune response and has some antioxidant properties." Meanwhile, elderberry is one of functional doctor Aviva Romm's go-to's for treating and preventing the flu. "Studies have shown5 that elderberry extract can significantly shorten the duration of influenza while lowering the need for medication, when compared with placebo," she explains. The tea tastes sweet and berry-like, a delicious way to keep your immune system ready to fight whatever comes at it. Elderberry and Echinacea, Pukka ($5.82 for 20 servings)

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Sakara Sleep Tea

Sleeping can be tough on the road, with unfamiliar beds, time zone changes, and unpredictable noises. Still, sleep is a critical part of keeping your health strong and your trip fun, so packing a sleep-stimulating tea is always a good idea. This blend contains valerian root, which has been found to improve both sleep quantity and quality6. It also has chamomile and passionflower, both of which have been found to assuage anxiety7, which can contribute to lack of sleep, especially when traveling. With a soothing lavender scent and lightly floral, herbaceous flavor, this is the perfect soothing cuppa to sip right before bed. Sleep Tea, Sakara ($20 for 20 servings)

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