5 Reasons To Get Upside Down That Have Nothing To Do With Instagram Likes

There's no doubt about it: Handstands—and crazy acrobatic versions of them—are eye-catching and fun to scroll through on our social media feeds.
I get upside down all the time, and even I love to see new styles of inversions on my feed. It's inspiring and motivates me to integrate them into my practice.
While those "likes" are a fun perk, there's so much more to getting upside down than how your Instagram followers perceive you. Yep, inversions have actual health benefits, which is the real reason yogis love them so much.
But remember, everything in moderation. Do handstands, not too many, and stay balanced in your practice.
Here are five health benefits of going upside down that have nothing to do with social media.
1. Inversions work your body in unique ways.
Not only do inversions strengthen your upper body and core, but they give those beautiful feet a break from working so hard. When you get upside down, the direction of the blood flow in your feet changes, which is extremely restorative for them.

2. Inversions challenge you to keep your cool.
You know those moments at work when you feel like your head's about to pop off because you're so stressed out? Or that angry feeling you get when someone cuts in front of you in line? Yeah, there's no room for that in inversions. Once you learn to stay calm, cool, and collected while hanging upside down, that's bound to translate to the rest of your life.
3. Inversions keep your body guessing.
Your body is used to walking. It might even be used to running. But it's not used to defying gravity and getting upside down. Teaching your body new things is always a good idea.
4. Inversions mentally revitalize you.
While the blood is draining out of your feet, it's moving toward your brain—which is a good thing! Changing the direction of blood flow once in a while is great for you both mentally and physically.
5. Inversions energize you.
Feeling low on energy? Just flip upside down for a bit and watch the magic unfold. If you ask me, there's no better way to beat the 4 p.m. slump.