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Have You Had One Of These 5 Relationship Dreams? Here's What They Mean

Sarah Regan
November 28, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Adene Sanchez / istock
November 28, 2024
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Every night while we sleep, the dreamworld takes center stage, potentially offering us clues into our subconscious. And some dreams, as it turns out, are pretty universal.

We've all probably had a relationship dream before, for instance, such as dreaming about an ex or even dreaming that you're getting married. But what do these common relationship dreams mean?


Dreams about sex

According to psychic and professional dream interpreter Antonella, sex dreams are the most common relationship dreams, with thousands of people searching for the meaning of this dream every month.

"Sex dreams are rarely about pure physical desire and more about what's happening emotionally in your waking life," Antonella explains, adding, "It could highlight the connections you have with others and yourself, or it could represent a feeling of loneliness, unresolved feelings, or a desire for deeper connection and intimacy."

Here's our full guide to sex dreams for more info.


Dreams about getting married

If you've ever dreamt you were walking down the aisle, you aren't alone. Dreaming about getting married is the second most searched relationship dream, but it might not mean what you think.

As Antonella tells mindbodygreen, "A dream about getting married often symbolizes commitment or a desire for unity within yourself or your relationships." She adds that it may reflect a desire to merge different parts of your life or connect more deeply with someone or something meaningful. It can also symbolize "a growing connection as a duo if you're in a partnership, highlighting your commitment and dedication toward your partner," according to Antonella.

Curious to learn more? We have a full guide to marriage dreams.


Dreams about being pregnant

Pregnancy dreams come in as the third most common relationship dream, with Antonella describing this one as especially meaningful. "The meaning of this dream is quite beautiful—dreaming about being pregnant is related to having new ideas and creations in your life, whether it's a project, a new habit, or a shift in your mindset."

That's right; pregnancy in dreams isn't always about literal birth—in fact, it's usually not. "Your partner's role in the dream," Antonella adds, "is to help build and nurture your new ideas and support growth."


Dreams about an ex

If you're dreaming about your ex, it doesn't always mean you still have feelings for them. According to Antonella, rather, you might still be processing it and moving on. Sometimes, it can even be a reminder of what you don't want to repeat, she notes.

"It might mean you're processing old wounds to make way for new relationships. Alternatively, it could indicate there's a part of yourself you're not really happy with, signaling a need for self-reflection," Antonella tells mindbodygreen.

Be sure to read our guide to ex dreams if you want more info.


Dreams about cheating

Finally, the fifth most searched relationship dream is dreaming about cheating. And according to Antonella, dreaming about cheating is indeed common and often suggests a feeling of insecurity—or being left out—if you feel your partner isn't prioritizing you.

"These dreams often highlight feelings of guilt or neglect," she says, adding, "If you're the one cheating in the dream, it could mean you're feeling unfulfilled or struggling with honesty in some area of your life." If you dream of your partner cheating, on the other hand, she says it might reveal fears of betrayal or a lack of trust, "even if those feelings aren't related to your relationship."

You can read more about cheating dreams in our guide here.

The takeaway

As with anything, it's important to remember that dream interpretations can be subjective, and only you can truly know what a dream means to you. Consider keeping a dream journal to log your dreams for future reference and reflect on how you felt in the dream, which can often reveal more clues.

Once you understand your dreams' meanings, you can use them to help you navigate your waking life.

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