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These 4 Zodiac Signs Are On A Love Roller Coaster This Mercury Retrograde

Sarah Regan
March 20, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Couple in a Kitchen Doing Different Things
Image by mapodile / iStock
March 20, 2025

In case you missed it, Mercury went retrograde last week in spitfire Aries. The planet of communication, information, and technology will backtrack into Pisces on March 30 and remain retrograde until April 7—and it's causing some mishaps in people's relationships.

With mixed messages flying and misunderstandings abounding, Mercury retrograde is known for messing with our personal relationships. It can even bring exes back around and/or make it difficult to click with new people.

We'll all feel the effects of this retrograde for the next couple of weeks, but these four signs will feel it the most.


With Mercury retrograde in your sign, Aries, astrologer Neda explains that you could feel especially thrown off by this Mercury retrograde cycle. "Expect miscommunications to hit hard," she notes, warning that relationships might get rocky.

After all, with your impulsive nature, Neda says, you might just say something you regret. "If you're not careful, a fling might fizzle out, or an old flame could pop up and mess with your head," she adds.


You tend to pay close attention to energy and reading between the lines, Pisces, and when Mercury goes retrograde in your sign, it will be harder for you to dive into those intuitive waters.

As such, Neda says, this could lead to misunderstandings with your partner or even misreading signals from someone new. "Your emotional radar could be off, leading you to chase illusions instead of reality," she adds, so make sure to slow down and properly assess the situation with logic—not just feelings!


Mercury retrograde is always a doozy for you, Gemini, given it's your planetary ruler. As Neda explains, you naturally feel every Mercury retrograde cycle more, so expect the unexpected in your social circles and love life.

"An ex might text out of the blue, or a current relationship could hit a confusing patch," she notes. Not to mention, your words could pack even more of a punch now, according to Neda, so "be careful not to say something you'll regret later."


Gemini isn't the only sign ruled by Mercury, Virgo—so are you. And according to Neda, you're in for a detailed audit of your relationships this time around. "Overanalyzing your partner's texts? Yep, you might be doing a lot of that," she says.

Don't be surprised if misunderstandings escalate into bigger issues, she adds, especially if you nitpick every detail. Neda suggests watching out for old patterns creeping back into your love life.

The takeaway

Mercury retrogrades don't have to be scary when we're prepared for them. When we know what to watch out for, we're better equiped to handle miscommunications and disruptions with grace.

In any case, Neda says, "Make thoughtful word choices, and make an effort to show empathy—even if you're not really feeling it."

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