A New Astrological Year Starts This Weekend: 3 Ways To Embrace It
Not only does spring begin on Saturday, but this weekend is also the start of Aries season—and the astrological new year.
Here's how mbg's resident astrologers, the AstroTwins, recommend ringing in this second opportunity for a New Year's reset:
Reflect on the past year.
It goes without saying that plenty has happened since last year's Aries season. And one of the best ways to move forward is to learn from the past, so the twins suggest taking some time this weekend to reflect with a journal.
"What did you learn? What worked really well, and what didn't?" the twins suggest thinking about. This is also a great opportunity to make a gratitude list, take stock of what you're happy about, and particularly to acknowledge how you've grown in the past year.
Release what no longer serves you.
Once you reflect, it's time to release. The twins suggest going with the release ritual of your choice, but they note that a fire ritual might be extra poignant since Aries is a fire sign.
To complete yours, write down some of the things you want to let go of in the coming astrological year—anything that's holding you back and no longer serving you. Then, burn the paper—either in a fireplace, an outdoor fire pit, or in some sort of safe, open container. As your paper burns, focus your energy on releasing those blocks and revel in feeling what your life could be without them.
Refine your space.
And lastly, considering the astrological new year is also the same day as the spring equinox, the twins say it's also "an excellent time for clearing things out and decluttering." Doing some spring cleaning and redecorating can help you release what's no longer serving you and make more space (physically and energetically) for prosperity in the new year.
For some astrology-infused redecorating ideas, be sure to check out mbg's guide to spring cleaning based on your zodiac sign. And for some more general reset tips, tune in to their webinar this weekend.
The bottom line.
There's never a bad time for a fresh start—and the start of spring coinciding with the astrological new year couldn't feel fresher. Warmer, longer days offer the perfect opportunity to reflect and release, as well as ensure your home environment feels clear and supportive.