3 Sensitive-Skin-Friendly Tips For Wrinkles & Fine Lines

We say it all the time here, but wrinkles are a natural part of aging, and we don't want to demonize this natural (and beautiful) process. Of course, you want to support your skin as it begins to change, but you don’t have to pull out intense chemical treatments or pricey invasive procedures to do so.
In fact, being too harsh to your skin can make those fine lines and wrinkles show up even more. For those who can’t tolerate the aforementioned treatments, or anyone trying to show those marks some extra T.L.C., keep these sensitive-mature skin tips on-hand.
Don’t force potent formulas
Some people can tolerate potent chemical exfoliants and retinol treatments, but they're certainly not for everyone. If you test out ultra-strength formulas but your skin doesn’t like them (read: shows irritation, itch, redness, or heightened sensitivity), don’t force it.
The more you try to use products that are incompatible with your skin, the higher risk you have of damaging your skin barrier and drying out your skin, accentuating fine lines and wrinkles even more.
So if you consistently have a bad reaction to a new retinol or exfoliating product, don’t force yourself to love it. Instead, try using it every once in a while or opt for a gentler alternative.
Take a collagen supplement
One of the reasons retinol is so great for aging skin is because it stimulates collagen production1.
For those who can’t use it, look to collagen supplements instead (or in addition to). After all, studies have shown that taking collagen daily can enhance your body's own collagen production2, support skin elasticity3, and make fine lines appear smaller.
When you’re browsing the market, just be sure to find a formula with hydrolyzed collagen peptides and vitamin C.
The hydrolyzation process ensures your body can better digest and absorb the collagen you take in. Your body also needs vitamin C in order to produce collagen, which is why it’s so important to include it in a supplement.
This sounds like a lot to search for, and it can feel overwhelming. To help you out, we made a curated list of some of the best collagen supplements on the market right now—check it out here.
Be mindful of your sleep positions & facial movements
We're certainly not going to tell you to stop smiling or say you can only sleep on your back, but you can take note of how you are resting your face when not actively engaging. "Of course live your life to the fullest, but if you are at home, resting the muscles on your face helps, especially when throughout the day the mouth is in constant motion," says aesthetic registered nurse Neethi Masur, R.N., at SKINNEY MedSpa, about smile lines.
And if you tend to sleep with your face smashed against the pillow (yes, sleep wrinkles are a thing), perhaps consider investing in some silk sheets—the fabric prevents friction and provides some slip for delicate skin.
The takeaway
You don’t have to use intense chemical formulas and invasive skin treatments to ease fine lines and care for aging skin.
In fact, listening to your skin’s reactions, prioritizing collagen intake, and being mindful of facial movements and sleep position can all help ease fine lines, too. Not sure if you have sensitive skin or not? This guide will help you find out.