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The 15 Best Pieces Of Advice We've Heard From Inspiring Women

Jamie Schneider
March 08, 2020
Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
By Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
Jamie Schneider is the former Senior Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.A. in Organizational Studies and English from the University of Michigan, and her work has appeared in Coveteur, The Chill Times, and Wyld Skincare.
March 08, 2020

It's International Women's Day, which means it's time to celebrate all the courageous, brilliant ladies in our lives (as if we needed a reason).

The United Nations officially designated March 8 as International Women's Day (IWD) in 1975, but the holiday actually dates back to 1911, where over a million people took to the streets in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland to celebrate.

Here at mbg, we've highlighted so many incredible women on our site in the past year—from bestselling authors to medical professionals to the game-changers and tastemakers of the well-being community. And while we shouldn't necessarily need a reminder to value the powerful women in our lives, it certainly never hurts to take a moment to reflect on the women whose work has made us feel nothing short of inspired. 

Here are 15 pieces of advice from the many women we've had on the mindbodygreen podcast. No matter where in the world you reside, may March 8 bring you a healthy dose of female energy. 

On finding a healthy balance.

"I don't think a perfect balance exists. When someone assumes that there is, it can make you feel disappointed."

Rachel Mansfield, recipe developer and cookbook author

On why it's important to optimize women's hormones.

"Everybody is hormonal—men, women, children, cats, dogs. Women are no more hormonal than the next person, but they're told that their hormones are a problem, when they're really an asset."

Alisa Vitti, functional nutrition and female biohacking expert

On using diet to reverse autoimmune disease.

"Seven years into my MS diagnosis, I'm beginning to think that I have to come to terms with becoming bedridden. After redesigning my paleo diet in a very specific way, 12 months later I'm out of my wheelchair. In fact, I'm able to do an 18.5-mile bike ride."

Terry Wahls, M.D., functional medicine doctor

On how we can create sustainable change for marginalized groups.

"If everyone could go up to one person and offer them lunch—that would shift so much." 

LaRayia Gaston, Activist & Founder of Lunch On Me

On finding true love.

"There's a big difference between trying to get love and actually sharing love. We can't share love if we don't have love to share."

Margaret Paul, Ph.D., relationship expert

On how anxiety can be an asset.

"Anxiety is not necessarily a bad thing. It's the judgment that we put on it that makes it not so great."

Gwen Dittmar, breathwork instructor

On how to deal with narcissists.

"Don't stand in the crossfire in someone else's war with themselves."

Megan Bruneau, M.A., psychotherapist

On the importance of our environment for overall health.

"We are supposed to thrive and be loved and be loving—that has so much to do with the environment you build for yourselves and others." 

Majora Carter, urban revitalization consultant and real estate developer

On how to achieve your dreams.

"You can manifest all you want, but you can't sit on your ass. You have to take action."

Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times bestselling author

On how to stay resilient in the face of failure.

"Often the greatest ideas or newest opportunities come out of failure."

Mallika Chopra, entrepreneur, public speaker, and author

On how to optimize a healthy lifestyle.

"We shouldn't white-knuckle anything in wellness—you can overdo anything."

Ali Miller, R.D., dietitian

On why we should feel gratitude for our pain.

"Pain is part of life. To expect to live a life without pain is unrealistic."

Ilene Ruhoy, M.D., neurologist

On how to stay empowered during difficult times.

"So much about getting through a hard moment is just about repurposing how you feel about the moment."

Sophia Roe, chef and holistic wellness expert

On why you should speak up in the doctor's office.

"It's time to take your health back into your control and be an advocate for yourself."

Bindiya Gandhi, M.D., American Board Family Medicine–certified physician

On how to raise independent children.

"The most important thing you can give your child is a positive self-image."

Esther Wojkicki, bestselling author

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