A 12-Minute Balance With Ease Yoga Routine, From Tara Stiles

Welcome to mbg moves! We've been working out at home more than ever—and we know our readers are, too. To help keep your fitness routine feeling fresh, we're releasing a new at-home workout to start your week off strong. Each month will feature routines from a different incredible trainer we adore. Now, let's get moving with our spotlight trainer: Tara Stiles.
Workout Summary
- Time: 12 minutes
- Equipment: Yoga mat
- Instructions: Follow along with the video, and move from one exercise to the next as indicated.
When you think about challenging yoga poses, balancing postures may be the first thing that comes to mind. But those seemingly tough poses don't need to be intimidating—I'm here to let you know that we can do hard things with ease, even balance poses.
One thing that often happens with balancing is our bodies tighten and feel rigid, trying to stay in one place, without moving. But it's actually so beneficial to soften into these poses and be a lot more movable, even while we're holding a nice steady position.
How can we do that? For one, I advise tuning into your own body. Begin to take note of how you feel, and find your baseline. It's important to get more sensitized to what's actually happening with you internally (with balance or otherwise). That way, you notice when things are going off-balance, and it's a bit more easeful to guide yourself back. If you have a stumble or fall, that's OK—you can ease into a fall, and when you're ready, ease yourself to a stable place.
It can also be helpful to bring your hands to heart center, or to your belly, to help you feel more centered and balanced.
I also recommend starting with slightly more simple balance poses, finding your sense of center, then moving on to more complex postures. (Yes, even crow pose can be less intimidating when you approach it with ease.) There's no need to struggle if you're having trouble at any point—simply adjust the pose or change your position so it's possible without strain. Allow your breath to move you, and keep any extra tension out of the mix. Also, between each pose, take a moment to find your center.
Ready to put all of these principles into practice? Follow along with the video above, as I take you through a nice balance-focused yoga routine. Give it a try, and see just how accessible and lovely balance postures really can be when you approach them with a softness and ease.

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