
Let’s be honest: Healthy eating, regular exercise, and making time for self-care can be a big commitment. And while it’s definitely worth it, every wellness routine requires planning, thoughtfulness, and quite a bit of time and energy. That’s why it’s important to make it as fun as possible. Here are 10 small changes that can bring a smile to formerly mundane tasks—after all, you’re more likely to stick to it if it’s enjoyable.
1. Make your multivitamin WAY more fun.
End your morning supplement routine with a Garden of Life mykind Organics gummy vitamin. You’ll get all the nutrients you need, and satisfy your morning sweet tooth. Plus, mykind gummy vitamins are made with whole fruits!
2. Find a grocery buddy.
Grocery shopping alone can feel like a chore. Instead, make a standing weekly date with a friend to go to the farmers market for your favorite fruits and veggies.
3. Don’t let cardio get you down.
Sometimes we forget that there’s more than one way to get an awesome cardio workout. Switch things up and sign up for a cardio dance party—you won’t regret it!
4. Remember that water doesn’t have to be boring.

Swap regular water for water infused with fruit or herbs. Our favorite flavor choices? Honeydew, cilantro, and raspberry.
5. Make teatime a ritual.
Instead of having your afternoon tea in a paper cup or that chipped mug from the cabinet at the office, invest in a full tea set and sit down mindfully to enjoy the warmth and uplifting smells drifting from your cup.
6. Prepare your playlist ahead of time.
There’s nothing worse than being at the gym and struggling to find the right song. Try making a fun playlist for each type of workout that's guaranteed to energize and inspire you.
7. End your day with a bubble bath.
Even if you already have an evening ritual, it’s nice to change it up and do something really luxurious like an Epsom salt bath. For a little more fun, add some bubbles and a few drops of essential oil.
8. Take your workout out into nature.

Running on the treadmill can feel endless, so why not walk straight out the door and jog to the nearest park? there anything stopping you?
9. Ditch the app for a colorful bullet journal.
Constantly charting your activity in a fitness or nutrition app can start to feel like a chore. Instead, try keeping a food diary and workout log in a bullet journal. This will infuse a few minutes of mindful creativity into your day, while still allowing you to track your efforts.
10. Invest in clothing that makes you smile.
Swap your old workout clothes for some new, colorful gear that makes you feel like a million bucks. You’re putting so much time and energy into living your best life, so reward yourself as much as possible and buy that top that makes you smile every time you put it on.