
If you've ever felt thrown for a loop due to an unexpected turn of events, whether it's a small nuisance like a terrible commute or a bigger deal like a breakup or loss of a job, you know what it's like to feel frantic, shocked, and distracted. It's totally normal to feel this way! Any kind of trauma can be jarring for your nervous system. If you want to self-soothe, these acupressure techniques will take the outward energy pulling you out of yourself downward, eliciting a calming and grounding effect.
Keep in mind that inhaling and exhaling throughout this process will help move the chi and bring oxygen to the parts of your body that need it.
Kidney 27: Trace your clavicle till you get to the notch toward the middle of your chest. Right below this, tap lightly with your index and middle fingers while you inhale and exhale for about 60 seconds. This point is particularly helpful for releasing tense breath and calming nausea.
Yintang: This point is right below your third eye, where the bridge of your nose meets your forehead. Stroke it gently with your index and middle finger, you'll be able to feel it working all over the body. Yintang is helpful for insomnia, anxiety, as well as eye and sinus issues.
Kidney 24: Find this point along the breastbone, about 5 centimeters below the clavicle—you'll feel it; it'll be quite tender. Push in with your index fingers for about 60 seconds.
Heart 7: Heart 7 is on the pinkie edge side of your hand, near where the wrist and the hand meet. You'll feel a bony protrusion and the point is on the tendon right next to it. Pinch on it for about 60 seconds. Doing this on both sides will help relieve chest tension and release irritability resulting from hurt.
Kidney 1: You'll find Kidney 1 in between the large and index toe—it's the soft spot on the underside of your foot in between the ball and arch of your foot. This one is really grounding and helpful for palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, and even rage.
Liver 3: Opposite Kidney 1, Liver 3 is on the top shoelace-side of the foot in between your thumb and index toes. Pressing them at the same time is quite therapeutic and grounding. Liver 3 specifically helps with frustration, anger, digestive issues, and depression, among other things.
Once you've moved through these points, take a few deep breaths. Roll the shoulders back and visualize the energy moving down and through you and eventually leaving you. You'll be in a better place in no time.