
This Labor Day weekend (now through 9/6), we’re knocking a full 50 percent off the price of our entire class library. With more than 40 classes providing everything from plant-based meal plans to yoga routines, we’ve got every aspect of your health journey covered.
1. Stop looking. Seriously, stop.
Your desperation to couple up is killing the vibe. The mind gets in the way of the heart and all these ideas about who your beloved is create a prison of your own making. Similarly to rare and transcendental spiritual experiences, you will likely fall in love when you least expect it, swept up in a complete seductive ambush. That's why it's called "falling" in love.
2. Remember that this is an inside job.
Turn your looking glass inward to your own heart. Focusing on self-development of body, mind, and spirit is what is going to remind you of who you really are. To know what you really want and need, you have to know yourself.
3. Take a cosmic view.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. The purpose of life is for us to learn and grow. If you aren't learning in an experience, it's not serving your soul. Have faith that life will present the people and experiences best equipped to teach you what you need to learn. Being in relationships isn't all about falling victim to Cupid's arrow. After you recover from being struck in love, the real work begins.
4. Remember that the end of one relationship is not the end of love.
Chances are we have more than one soul mate walking on this planet. So, if you've had your heart broken or feel like you let one get away, remember that life, by design, will always provide more opportunities to learn. Relax and open yourself up to the possibility. For a powerful reminder that everything unfolds as it should, read John Steinbeck's beautiful letter to his son: Nothing good gets away.
5. Star in the movie of your life.
Understand that romance is a beautiful and delicious illusion. Play in the illusion of romance, but don't assume that your partner is necessarily having the same experience you are—or that they even need to. By cultivating intention in your relationship, you can shape the scenes and characters of your movie. Make the movie you want to star in.
6. Have faith.
Being devoted to something greater than your wants and desires leaves the door open for the universe to introduce you to your soul mate. Realize that by letting go and living with the flow, the universe will likely paint your life mandala better than you could ever have imagined.
7. Make space for love.
Cultivating presence in your life through meditation and tea ceremonies allows your beloved to come into this sacred space. If you want a meaningful relationship but are promiscuous with your sacred body, you are giving the Universe mixed messages. Make sure your actions are congruent with your desires.