Vaginal Steaming: Should You Try This Remedy For Cramps, Fertility & Healing?

Vaginal steaming has become popular among celebs like Chrissy Teigen and Gwyneth Paltrow, but it actually dates back way further than the days of Instagram: The practice has been used in traditional Korean medicine (called "chai-yok") as a remedy for many reproductive ailments, and it has also been practiced in Africa and Central America.
But what is it really? And is it even beneficial or—more importantly—safe?
What exactly is vaginal steaming?
Essentially, a vaginal steam is the process of squatting or sitting over a container of hot water that is emitting steam. The water typically contains herbs that are purported to have dramatic health benefits. The most common are mugwort, wormwood, and rosemary. Mugwort specifically is suggested to have healing properties for women with irregular periods or menstrual problems.
Certain spas offer 30-minute vaginal steams on their menu of services. The steams can also be done at home, for anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes. Before trying it at home, you'll want to make sure you're aware of all the risks, which we'll get into later, and the supposed benefits. If you've made an educated decision that you want to try it, you can follow these steps:
- Fill a small tub or bucket with hot (but not too hot) water, and add the herbs of your choosing.
- Remove all your clothing below the waist.
- Stand or squat over the steaming water with a towel around your waist to keep the steam in. If things are at all uncomfortable, stop.
What are the purported benefits of vaginal steaming?
The claims that have been made about the benefits of vaginal steaming are far and wide—and not exactly based on any credible research.
Across the web, people have jumped up to criticize and disprove the claims made about the benefits of vaginal steaming. According to OB/GYN and women's health expert Anna Cabeca, D.O., "Vaginal steaming is relaxing, and anything we can do to bring us down from stress is good!" But that may be where the health benefits stop when it comes to this wellness trend.
The most common claims about vaginal steaming suggest that it can help with:
- hormone imbalances
- menstrual symptoms
- fertility struggles
- healing after childbirth
- stress
- fatigue
- depression
- hemorrhoids
- infections
Supposedly, the benefits of vaginal steaming come from the herbs that you choose to use. As mentioned above, the most common seems to be mugwort. The research is limited, but there is some evidence that mugwort may help improve the autonomic nervous system, resulting in a feeling of relaxation and possibly increase fetal movements1, which can be beneficial if your baby is breech, for example. Both of these potential benefits have only been studied in the context of moxibustion, however, which is the process of burning mugwort and wormwood leaves close to the skin.
So, while positive anecdotes may exist, much more research is needed before we can say whether vaginal steaming has any true health benefits.
Does it really work? Here's what the OB/GYNs had to say.
Even though scientific studies are lacking, we decided to ask a handful of professional what they personally think about vaginal steaming.
"The vagina is considered a self-cleaning place and does not need additives to balance itself out," explains Wendie Trubow, M.D., a functional medicine OB/GYN. So according to Trubow, vaginal steaming for cleansing purposes is simply unnecessary.
Overwhelmingly, experts offer the opinion that there are many other tried-and-true treatments that should be used over vaginal steaming. For example, for menstrual symptoms, fertility struggles, and stress reduction, you might want to start with "eating a healthy diet devoid of all processed carbs," says Trubow.
If it's post-childbirth healing you're after, Cabeca recommends "a gentle perineal massage with coconut oil, or vitamin E and aloe vera applied topically." If the area is still too sensitive, a Sitz bath with herbs or a very gentle steaming may be beneficial.
Are there any safety concerns?
Yes. The most obvious safety concern is the risk of burns. Trubow reminds us that "the effects of a bad vaginal burn can be devastating." In June 2019, the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada journal published a report of a 62-year-old woman who suffered from second-degree burns on her vagina after a vaginal steam. If done at home, the possibility of burns is much higher.
Beyond that, steaming the vagina can alter the bacteria that is naturally maintained via that self-cleaning process mentioned previously. This can lead to general irritation, but more serious side effects include infections like bacterial vaginosis. It may also increase vaginal dryness in menopausal and perimenopausal women.
Are there better ways to get some of the supposed benefits of vaginal steaming?
Absolutely! Let's go through the list of supposed benefits and explain some safer and more reliable options:
- Hormone imbalances: If you're looking for a natural approach, experts recommend lifestyle modifications like weight loss, a balanced diet, and stress management. But always talk to your doctor if you believe you're suffering from a hormone imbalance to see if some type of medication may be necessary.
- Menstrual symptoms: If you want to go the natural route and you're not interested in OTC pain relievers, a healthy diet specifically formulated for your period, exercise, specific adaptogenic herbs, heating pads, or a hot bath can be relieving.
- Fertility struggles: Fertility treatment can be complicated, invasive, and expensive. It's best to speak to your doctor about your options on this one. Also, check out these 11 do's and don'ts of boosting fertility from a reproductive endocrinologist.
- Preparing for childbirth: As Cabeca explains, gentle perineal massage can work wonders. In the final weeks of pregnancy, spend five minutes per day massaging your perineum. This is the area between your anus and your vulva. Grab a lubricant like coconut oil and use your thumbs to gently massage and relax the birth canal. The goal is to prepare your body for birth and ultimately avoid tearing.
- Stress, fatigue, and depression: These conditions are, not surprisingly, very closely related. One can lead to the other. But vaginal steaming is unlikely to cure them. Speak with your doctor about natural approaches to stress management. Locate a functional medicine doctor, who will help you find the root cause of these symptoms. Treating these conditions often takes a multifaceted approach, but the first step should be seeking help and guidance from a professional.
- Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your lower rectum and anus. They're extremely common, and in most cases they'll go away on their own. Certain home remedies can make them less painful in the meantime, like over-the-counter creams, Sitz baths2, and loose-fitting clothing to prevent and reduce constipation. If you're in extreme discomfort, contact your doctor.
- Infections: According to experts, vaginal steaming is more likely to cause infections than cure infections. If you suspect you have a vaginal infection like a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis, call your doctor to identify a safe and effective treatment. There are certain effective home remedies, such as boric acid suppositories, which should only be done under doctor supervision and never for an extended period of time. The first step is always to speak to your doctor to make sure you don't try anything that could make the infection worse.
The take-away.
If you're looking to vaginal steaming as a cure-all for your health problems, you may be out of luck. And according to the professionals, the risks may outweigh the potential benefits. If you decide to try vaginal steaming at home, make sure you understand the risks and take steps (outlined above) to be safe and avoid burns. And if you have certain health issues like menstrual discomfort, stress, or hemorrhoids you're looking to resolve, talk to a health care professional before trying a vaginal steam.