Out-Smart Self-Sabotage: 5 Steps To Change Subconscious Beliefs

Are you tired of getting in your own way? Perhaps you agree that if you want to get to the gym by 6am, you can't stay glued to the TV till 1am. The same is true if you have a project due at the end of the week—it’s probably a good idea to skip happy hour. Yet still, many people find themselves making decisions that don't support their goals or intentions.
Achieving success in areas where we tend to self-sabotage is more complex than simply finding a new program to follow. Let’s start by understanding why you do what you do, from a neuropsychological perspective.
Why do we self-sabotage?
First, behaviors are driven by your thoughts and emotions. Let’s say you want to lose weight but you keep eating sweets in the break room. The choice to eat the tasty snack is based on your thoughts and emotions. Your hand does not reach into the bowl on its own accord. It does not have its own brain which makes it move without your permission.
You might have a core belief that contradicts to your goal. By design, core beliefs are held in the subconscious mind just outside of conscious awareness. They act as blueprint instructions determining your choices.
Let’s say you have a goal to improve your career. Yet, plagued by learning challenges, you have the belief that you are not smart enough to accomplish what you want. These beliefs subconsciously override any desires to go for what you want. You may find you are good at the start, but seeds of doubt kick in and you decide this is just too hard and not worth the effort. Subconsciously you have already decided you are going to fail so you consciously choose not to follow through.
Given these beliefs are out of conscious awareness most people never examine them. Consequently, every time you unknowingly repeat them, you strengthen them. This is how habits are solidified.
In order to change subconscious patterns, it's helpful to understand two basic rules of human behavior:
- There must be a positive intention motivating all behaviors.
- The subconscious mind will go to any length to protect you and what you believe (like a worried mother).
5 steps to change your subconscious beliefs
Identify your core subconscious beliefs by taking an honest look at your predominate patterns.
You might have a pattern of overeating, avoiding the gym, or attracting the same types of relationships. Anytime a pattern of self-sabotage is present, the subconscious is involved. By identifying your patterns, you bring these subconscious pathways to the surface so they can be consciously observed and changed. Ask yourself: What do you believe to be true about yourself or your life in order for this pattern to exist?
For instance, if you have a pattern of overeating, you might believe that you deserve to eat what you want, when you want it. Or that food is your only consistent form of pleasure. Or that you haven’t eaten enough until you feel a certain full feeling. Or that food is a well-deserved reward or comforting stress reliever.
Identify the perceived purpose or positive intention of the belief in your pattern.
What purpose or positive intention does (did) this belief serve? The positive intention behind overeating might be to experience comfort, control, pleasure, stress relief, or companionship.
Feel and release any emotion that you become aware of related to these beliefs.
Given that emotions are the primary language of your subconscious mind, as you bring your patterns into conscious awareness, you have an opportunity to express the energy of emotion stored there. Emotions are the glue holding you to your past experiences and patterns.
Identify alternate ways to meet this positive intention given your life and resources today.
Your brain will go right back to the old way if you don’t have something that satisfies this perceived intention. Learn to meditate, spend more time with friends, get some counseling or identify other sources of pleasure and reward.
Identify healthier beliefs regarding this area of your life and practice them.
For example, if you have a tendency to overeat, you could tell yourself:
- I eat the perfect amount of food for my body.
- I choose organic whole foods that nourish my mind, body and spirit.
- I have a healthy relationship with food.