Talia Fuhrman
Talia Fuhrman has a B.A. in nutritional sciences from Cornell University and will be releasing her first book, Love Your Body this fall. It is a positive psychology, body image, healthy lifestyle, nutrition and recipe book for young women to be published with Rodale Inc. In addition to her book, she blogs away at www.taliafuhrman.com, where she posts plant-based, vegan recipes, nutrition tips and more. She is following her heart and pursuing a career intended to help as many people as possible find increased wellness, health and vitality, both physically and emotionally. Talia has written for media outlets such as Vegetarian Times, VegNews, Psychology Today, Positive Impact Magazine and GirlieGirlArmy.com. You can find Talia on her website, but also on her Facebook page, and Instagram, @taliafuhrman.
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