48 Foods To Naturally Balance Your Hormones & Give You Glowing Skin

Feeling off lately? Hormone imbalances can lead to a plethora of issues in the body, from inflammatory skin conditions like acne to eczema to weight fluctuations. But basing meals on clean protein, hormone-balancing healthy fats, antioxidant-rich vegetables, and healing herbs will help your body thrive.
Here's an easy way to craft a delicious hormone-balancing meal: Choose one food from each category for an easy, hormone-managing, skin-supporting meal.*
Healthy fats
Fat is one of the most crucial elements for hormonal support. For years, we've been told that fat-free is good, while cholesterol and saturated fat are bad. This is a dangerous lie. Healthy fat is the raw material that we need to produce and maintain proper hormone function. Here's why: Hormones are produced using certain fatty acids and cholesterol, so if we're missing these nutrients, hormone problems arise simply because the body doesn't have the nutrients it needs to make them. Our body needs certain fats for supporting cells and managing hormones.
- Coconut oil: It contains lauric acid, which is incredibly healing to the skin and extremely beneficial for hormonal production. It also kills bad bacteria and viruses in the body, provides a quick source of energy, is easy to digest, and speeds up metabolism.
- Avocados: They're rich in healthy fat that helps our body absorb and use nutrients They are also full of fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, B vitamins, and folic acid—all essential for maintaining hormonal balance in the body.*
- Raw butter/ghee: They provide a rich source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K2. These nutrients are key building blocks for hormonal production. Butter provides great amounts of short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which support immune function, boost metabolism, and have antimicrobial properties, meaning, they fight against bad bacteria and viruses in the body.
- Egg yolks: They're rich in countless vitamins and minerals including A, D, E, B2, B6, B9, iron, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and choline, which all support natural hormone levels and healthy skin.* The choline and iodine in egg yolks are also crucial for making healthy thyroid hormones.
- Nuts and seeds: Soaked nuts and seeds, olives and olive oil, fermented cod liver oil, hemp seed oil, flaxseed oil, and raw cultured dairy products.
Clean protein
Proteins support cellular function, as they provide the body with essential amino acids that help you build cells throughout the body1.* They also help your body produce specific hormones, including insulin and growth hormone.
- Soaked or sprouted nuts
- Beans
- Seeds
- Quinoa
- Lentils
- Organic pasture-raised/grass-fed chicken, turkey, beef, bison, elk, pasture-raised eggs
- Wild-caught fish
Antioxidant-rich vegetables
Antioxidants are vital for neutralizing free radical damage triggered by oxidative stress.* This is important for skin health and overall cellular function, but it also plays a role in helping maintain healthy hormones levels*. Research has shown that free-radical damage wreaks havoc on our thyroid function and pituitary gland2. The pituitary gland is a part of your endocrine system, and its main function is to secrete hormones into your bloodstream.
Dark green vegetables
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Collard greens
- Cabbage
- Cucumbers
- Kale
- Cilantro
Brightly colored vegetables
- Green bell peppers
- Red bell peppers
- Yellow bell peppers
- Orange bell peppers
- Red cabbage
- Red onions
- White onions
- Tomatoes
- Carrots
Starchy vegetables
- Sweet potatoes
- Spaghetti squash
- Yucca
- Artichokes
- Butternut squash
- Turnips
- Beets
Spices & herbs
The last piece of the puzzle is healing herbs and spices. Not only do they add flavor and texture to a meal, but these have a host of healing benefits for your entire body, including hormone maintence3*
The bottom line:
When given the proper nutrients, our bodies have the incredible ability to flourish. Be mindful of how you are caring for yours—with fats, proteins, antioxidants, and herbs—and you'll achieve glowing skin and healthy hormone levels*