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Juice: The Elixir of Life

Matt Cruz
December 02, 2011
Matt Cruz
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Image by Tatjana Zlatkovic / Stocksy
December 02, 2011

Despite what you may have heard elsewhere, juicing doesn't start and end with apple juice. To prove it, I'm going going to share a few delicious vegetable juice concoctions that you can try at home.

Before we get there, though, you deserve an explanation of the hype over juicing. If you’re like a lot of people you’ll understand that it’s not always easy to ingest the recommended amount of greens, largely thanks to time or money constraints – or just not liking the taste. If you don’t have the time to prepare and cook and physically eat vegetables, you’ll know what I mean – and you’ll also be missing out on the key nutrients found within those little green things.

Vegetables are packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and they alkalize the bloodstream, all of which is superb for your general health (and your specialist health). That being said, there’s no denying that veggies aren’t the tastiest things on the block, especially when put next to a yummy ice cream; still, that all changes in juicing. Not only do you get the vitamins and minerals, not only do you save time, but by adding in different ingredients you can a taste sensation in your mouth that will send the ice cream packing up and heading home. If you’re the creative type, you may find yourself in the kitchen like a mad scientist in his lab as you diligently create new and exciting flavors of juice.

If you’re new to juicing here are a few tricks of the trade to get you started:

  1. wash everything before you put it in the juicer.
  2. purchase locally wherever possible.
  3. remove pips and cut the food into smaller chunks before juicing.
  4. bonus tip: juice the softer ones first; the harder ones will break down easier if there’s already liquid present, and the tougher ones will push the softer ones through as well.

Onto the vegetable juice recipes:

Alkaline Mint:

½ cucumber (don’t remove the skin; it contains chlorophyll which aids production of red blood cells)

½ apple

½ handful of fresh mint

1 cup of spinach

2 celery sticks

3 carrots

The Bugs Bunny:

1 Slice of Ginger

1 Stem Broccoli

4 Carrots


1 celery stick

1 slice of Spanish onion

1 beetroot

2 lemons

2 apples

3 slices of ginger

Now you’re armed with the know-how of juicing -- the sky’s the limit!

image via 

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