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The Most Effective Natural "Hair Spray" You'll Ever Try

Allie White
February 15, 2016
Allie White
By Allie White
mbg Contributor
Allie White is a freelance writer and editor who covers news, lifestyle, health, beauty, and entertainment.
Photo by Bottega Organica
February 15, 2016

In this series, we'll spotlight one better-for-you-beauty-buy every week that not only does what it promises to do, but that also upholds the green, natural approach to beauty and skin care we value so much. Trust us when we say you can trust our beauty editor, Allie White — in her time here, she's tried upward of 400 different creams, sprays, serums, tonics, etc. These are her favorites.

Hairspray is a tricky beast. Despite its best efforts, the stuff is so often associated with bad 80s coifs and crunchy strands that, for me at least, I'd rather have some fly aways or a curl-that-fell-and-is-no-longer-a-curl than deal with hairspray.

Sure, it shares a name with a great musical, but between finding a formula that's forgiving and effective, figuring out how much you actually need, holding your breath so as not to choke on the product cloud, and then having to wash your hair several times to get it all out, I just never thought it was worth the effort.

Bottega Organica Hair Mist For Light Hair

But then Bottega Organica's Hair Mist landed on my desk, and it had me rethinking everything I thought I knew about traditional hairspray.

You see, this stuff isn't hairspray, it's hair spray (two words), which means no sticky residue, no hard hair, no triple washes. Instead, what it does deliver is a gorgeous, natural scent (subtle ginger), serious shine, and, despite being completely natural, some good control over rouge hair.

Despite the absence of the chemicals that allow conventional hairspray to keep your hair in place, this hair mist manages to tame tresses through more gentle means. Healthy hair is happy, well-behaved hair, and regular spritzes on a wet or dry head will stimulate hair growth, enhance the color and shine of your locks, and strengthen and moisturize your scalp, all of which contribute to what your hair looks like and does.

I'm a dirty blonde, so I opt for the mallow formula, full of ingredients like nettle, ginger, golden sage and prawn sage. But there's a lavender option for the raven haired among us, which also features rosemary for color enhancement.

Bottega Organica Hair Mist For Light Hair (Mallow), $68,

EWG Score: 0 — low hazard

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