In my early 20s, I went through a devastating health crisis, which turned out to be a totally life-changing experience. After years of trying to please other people and not taking care of myself, I awoke one day and couldn't get out of bed. My face and neck had swollen overnight and I had hundreds of blisters around my eyes and mouth.
But, instead of taking the experimental drugs my doctors recommended, I decided to start my own healing journey. I began researching holistic approaches to healing. I started working with a naturopath who taught me about the power of real food and natural herbs to heal my body from within.
Along the way I discovered (much to my surprise) that I wasn't broken, but that I'd taken on too much and ignored all my physical symptoms, which were actually powerful messages from my body.
Within a few short years, I had healed myself of eczema, chronic asthma and lost over 60 pounds, with no drugs, diets or deprivation.
This gave me a new outlook on life, as well as a new relationship to my body. From there, I began to believe that maybe it was possible for me to start creating the life of my dreams.
Today, in my work as an international yoga teacher, healer, and author, I meet so many amazing women (and men!) who also struggle with loving their bodies and believing in themselves.
So, here’s what I share with them: If you're ready to break free of struggle, start today. Try this simple but powerful affirmation:
“I am willing to change.”
The first step in any healing journey is the desire and willingness to change. By being open to possibility, you'll infuse your life with a fresh energy. Try repeating this phrase a few times a day, and build up to saying it 100 times a day!
When you encounter challenges, see them not as failures, but as ways of learning what does and doesn't work for you. And when you stumble, keep repeating this magical healing affirmation, “I am willing to change.”
To learn more, download a free chapter of my book, Losing Weight is a Healing Journey.