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Lavender Almond Milk

Sophie Jaffe
April 08, 2015
Sophie Jaffe
Founder of Philosophie Superfoods
By Sophie Jaffe
Founder of Philosophie Superfoods
Sophie Jaffe is a certified raw-food nutritionist and raw-food chef. She's a member of the Yoga Alliance as an advanced teacher and is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a personal trainer.
April 08, 2015

Whether you’re a pro at making almond milk at home or want to try it for the first time, adding lavender will add an extra boost of bliss and calm to your day. According to Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs, lavender is also wonderful for relieving stomach muscle spasms and soothing indigestion. Traditionally, it’s been used to imbue courage and strength, so if you have a particularly busy day ahead of you, whip up this heavenly milk to strengthen and calm your heart and mind.

Lavender Almond Milk


  • 5-6 cups pure, filtered water
  • 1.5 cups almonds
  • 1.5 teaspoons dried lavender petals or 3-4 drops of food grade essential lavender oil (more if preferred)
  • 2-3 soft dates
  • 1 pinch of unprocessed sea salt (optional)


1. Soak the almonds for 8-12 hours. I like soaking the nuts at night, so when the sun rises, I can have a soothing glass of almond milk with breakfast.

2. Place the soaked almonds in a high-speed blender, and add 5-6 cups of water and the lavender petals or essential oil. Blend, and then sweeten with 2-3 soft dates, and add a pinch of sea salt, if desired.

3. Strain with a cheesecloth or a nut milk bag, and refrigerate. Use the milk within a day or two, and enjoy it on its own or in a blueberry smoothie!

Photo courtesy of the author

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