The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is located in between the two eyes on the forehead. It is the energy center that connects us to the power of our intuition, our ability to trust our observations and perceptions. This chakra helps us feel the deep connection between our intellect, emotions, physical bodies and the rest of the world.
It's essential to balance the Third Eye Chakra, to feel centered in your decision-making and communication skills, before moving onto the rest of the chakras. With a balanced Third Eye Chakra, we not only feel clearheaded and calm, but also more honest and compassionate (both toward ourselves and others).
When the Third Eye Chakra is out of balance, we can feel tired, foggy, indecisive, disconnected and disoriented. But regardless of how you feel today, it is always a good experience to check in with your Third Eye Chakra. To open and balance the Third Eye, you typically visualize the color indigo between your eyes during meditation.
In this short meditation video, I've shared some supplementary tips for how to balance your Third Eye Chakra during. Get ready to feel your insight glow. Enjoy!