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Gluten Detox: 11 Strategies To Recover After Getting Glutened

Korin Miller
June 09, 2020
Korin Miller
Contributing writer
By Korin Miller
Contributing writer
Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, relationships, and lifestyle trends with a master’s degree from American University. Her work has appeared in Women’s Health, Prevention, Self, Glamour, and more.
June 09, 2020

Eating anything when you have a gluten allergy or intolerance requires careful thought. But, even the most cautious eaters can accidentally ingest gluten, in what’s known as getting “glutened.”

Research has shown that people on a gluten-free diet are unintentionally exposed to gluten on a fairly regular basis. One study of 105 people with celiac disease found that 91% of study participants were exposed to gluten a few times a year, and 63% didn’t realize they were exposed until they developed symptoms.

The symptoms of getting glutened can vary1 and include things like brain fog, diarrhea, constipation, headache, rash, weakness, joint pain, swelling, vomiting, and fatigue. The diarrhea and constipation are due to inflammation in the small intestine, and when your small intestine is compromised, it can impair your body’s ability to properly absorb nutrients, leading to things like fogginess and fatigue, explains Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D., dietitian and author of The Little Book of Game-Changers.

If you’ve been glutened, there are some steps you can take that may help. And, while they’re not as effective as avoiding gluten entirely, they should be able to do at least something to ease your pain.

Step 1: Flush gluten out.

The concept behind this is simple: The sooner you can get gluten out of your system, the better you’ll feel, says integrative medicine expert Dr. Richard Firshein, founder of the Firshein Center.

“Getting gluten out or flushing your system is one way to reduce the long-term effects since gluten continues to eat away at the lining of the gut for days after ingestion,” he says. “Many of the symptoms of gluten, such as fatigue, headaches, rashes, joint pain and brain fog, can be reduced with fast responses.” There are a few ways you can go about this.

Use digestive enzymes

Some studies have shown that certain digestive enzymes, which play an important role in breaking down what you eat, can help. “They may improve gluten intolerance symptoms after eating gluten, perhaps by digesting the proteins that cause problems so they don't reach the small intestine,” Cording says.

One study of 42 patients with a non-celiac gluten sensitivity published in Clinical and Transitional Gastroenterology2 had participants either take a digestive enzyme mixture derived from microorganisms and papaya or a placebo after undergoing a gluten challenge. The study’s researchers found that the enzyme mixture “significantly decreased” symptoms in patients who took it.

Another study3 had 18 gluten-intolerant people eat porridge that contained 0.5 grams of gluten, along with a digestive enzyme called Aspergillus niger-derived prolyl endoprotease (AN-PEP) or a placebo. Those who took AN-PEP were able to degrade about 50% of the gluten in their stomachs, before it reached their intestines.

Consider a binding agent, like activated charcoal

Activated charcoal binds to toxins in your body and helps to reduce gas4 and bloating, Firshein says. One study on rats5 also found that those that took activated charcoal had less intestinal inflammation and damage than rats that didn’t take activated charcoal.

Keep in mind, though, that the binding from these ingredients isn’t selective and that you can’t target the gluten. “Charcoal binds to good stuff, too, and could exacerbate nutrient malabsorption,” Cording says. If you do decide to go this route, Firshein recommends drinking plenty of water to avoid constipation.

Eat foods that support natural detoxification

“Supporting your liver and kidneys—your body's built-in filtrating system—is important for overall wellness,” Cording says. Research on kidney-friendly diets6 has found that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, fish, legumes, whole grains, and fibers, while cutting down on red meat, sodium, and refined sugar is good for kidney health.

To help support a healthy liver, Medline Plus recommends having a good balance of carbohydrates and protein, limiting your salt intake, and eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

Also, it’s a good idea to avoid processed foods. “Avoidance of processed foods, especially those with high amounts of sugar and saturated fats, can further support gut health,” says Carolyn Newberry, M.D., a gastroenterologist at NewYork-Presbyterian and Weill Cornell Medicine.

While these foods might help support you after getting glutened, they’ll help the most if you consume them on a regular basis, Cording says.  

Hydrate—a lot

“Drinking water is always a good idea for your health and may help with uncomfortable symptoms caused by gluten exposure, since this can cause diarrhea and be dehydrating,” Newberry says. How much water you should strive to have, exactly, depends on your individual needs, but the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine7 recommends women have about 11.5 cups of fluids a day and that men have about 15.5 cups of fluids a day (that includes fluids from water, other beverages, and food).

Aiming for slightly more than that, if your stomach can tolerate it, should help, Firshein says. “This also depends on how noticeable symptoms are, including bloating and diarrhea,” he says. “It will also lessen the chances of constipation, which can prolong exposure.”

Step 2: Manage the inflammation it may have caused

People with celiac disease and gluten intolerance often experience intestinal inflammation after being exposed to gluten. That can cause unpleasant symptoms, and even lead to long-term damage. “This inflammation, over time, can be damaging to small intestine function and lead to weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, bone loss, and challenges with fertility,” Newberry says.

While Ashkan Farhadi, MD, a gastroenterologist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, Calif., says you can’t stop this inflammation entirely after you’ve been exposed to gluten, you still may be able to take some steps to better manage it, and to ultimately feel better, faster.

Use nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids

Research has found that omega-3 fatty acids—often found in things like fish oil, flax seeds, and chia seeds—may have anti-inflammatory properties8 that are beneficial in targeting gut inflammation. “Although ingestion of omega-3 fatty acids will not ease symptoms, they also have anti-inflammatory properties that support general health,” Newberry says.

Try certain spices

“If you are experiencing digestive symptoms after gluten exposure, spices like ginger and turmeric can ease these symptoms naturally,” Newberry says. “Ginger9 is a powerful anti-nausea agent and turmeric10 has been found to be an anti-inflammatory agent.”

Keep in mind that high doses of turmeric may cause intestinal issues—and make your symptoms worse—so use it sparingly.

Step 3: Take care of your gut

An accidental gluten exposure doesn’t just cause harm immediately after the fact—it can have a lasting impact. The inflammation caused by a gluten exposure damages the villi, small, finger-like projections that line your small intestine and help absorb nutrients, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). With celiac disease, the villi become shortened and will eventually flatten out.

While you can’t reverse the damage, there are certain things you can do to boost your overall gut health and try to repair the imbalance that accidentally ingesting gluten can cause.

Take probiotics

“Probiotics are definitely important for gut health,” Farhadi says. Probiotics contain a variety of microorganisms that may help your body maintain a healthy community of microorganisms and can help your gut microbiome return to a healthy state after it’s been disturbed, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health says.

If you were already taking a probiotic before an accidental gluten exposure, Firshein recommends doubling or even tripling up your dosage.

Consider an L-glutamine supplement

The amino acid L-glutamine has a lot of potential benefits for your health, but one perk of the supplement is that it can help protect the lining of your bowel11 and help support a strong intestinal barrier. Research has also found it can tamp down on inflammation12, while boosting your immune system.

“L-Glutamine is a part of the repair and protect program,” Firshein says. “As a primary fuel for the gut, glutamine gives cells the energy they need.” He suggests taking 2 to 4 grams a day after gluten exposure.

Sip bone broth

“Bone broth is a great healer and anti-inflammatory,” Firshein says. “It can soothe the gut and also help reduce symptoms like joint pain as well.” Bone broth also naturally contains glutamine, which Firshein says “is a known gut healer.”

Try slippery elm

Slippery elm contains mucilage, which soothes mucous membranes13 (which include the lining of your gut) and helps increase your gut’s mucus secretion13 to protect and heal your gastrointestinal tract, Firshein says.

Take marshmallow root 

Research on this perennial herb is limited, but one older study14 on rats found that marshmallow root helped reduce gut inflammation when it was taken daily for 14 days. Marshmallow root can help to “create a mucous barrier that can nurture damaged tissues,” Firshein says.

You can only do so much to avoid being glutened but, if it does happen, just know there are steps you can take that will help get you through it.

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